I also think it's a good idea to consider AI assistance for future Kagi updates. Lately I've been growing increasingly addicted to both cGPT and copilot (and of course Kagi) for what essentially amounts to searching for information. OpenAI is inevitably going to start charging for cGPT, and if it's <= $15 USD I'll pay for it. Assuming it's $10/month, that puts my monthly "search" expenditure at $30. I'd have no qualms about paying $20 for Kagi if it includes something at the level of cGPT.
A couple of options to consider besides on-demand is
- Allowing Kagi users to provide (and pay) for their own OpenAI tokens which they could use for Kagi widgets. That way there wouldn't really be any extra (opex) cost for Kagi. Kagi could still do some prompt engineering in the background, which would add value for customers.
- Subscription tiers; perhaps $10 for traditional search only, $20 for AI assisted search.
That said, my personal pipe dream is to offload all my search to Kagi; $30 for traditional search + cGPT-equivalent + code assist/copilot IDEA plugin, and ditch github and openai entirely.